
The Insaltd Story

Insaltd was founded by Dann and Tiana, a father-daughter electrolyte-loving duo that have always been very involved in sport.

In fact, Dann plays tennis almost every day for hours, so cramping, soreness and fatigue had naturally become a big issue for him. He didn’t want to reduce the amount of time he spent playing, so he decided to treat his dehydration with electrolytes.

His daughter, Tiana, a regular soccer player, struggled with the same. And surprisingly, this time, she didn’t roll her eyes when her dad told her to try electrolytes. She couldn’t deny his great results.

After trying many electrolyte brands, the pair discovered that so many are full of sugar or stevia and remarkably low in actual electrolytes. They did fall in love with one brand (LMNT) but after Tiana developed a sensitivity to stevia (massive headaches), the electrolyte consumption stopped in its tracks.

They also got introduced a new, plant-based, zero-calorie functional sweetener based on glycine (amino acetic acid) that had a sugar-like mouthfeel and also helped with nutrient and electrolyte absorption. Best of all, there was none of that stevia or artificial sweetener aftertatse—and no more headaches.

With all of this in mind, Dann and Tiana decided to take on the creation of a superior, high-potency, all-natural sugar-free electrolyte formulation—and that’s when Insaltd was born.


Dann Ilicic
Insaltd Co-founder

Tiana Ilicic
Insaltd Co-founder

So, why is it called Insaltd? 

Because there is such a high concentration of electrolytes in our formulation, the name INSTALTD originated from the idea to “put more salt in you”. And then it just flowed from there. 

A simple dad-joke pun turned into a name embedded with a deeper stoic philosophy—and at the core of that philosophy is to be resilient, both physically and mentally. 

Similar to being resilient, to be properly hydrated is to be able to take on any challenge with grace. 

Physically, it means to perform without cramping, fatigue, poor digestion, soreness—just about any bodily function you can think of benefits from proper hydration. From a mental standpoint, being hydrated has also been shown to help with brain fog, concentration and hormonal balance, which plays a big part in regulating mood. And let’s not forget about preventing hangovers—Insaltd is perfect for rehydrating after a night of partying.

We started using it in our office, and people loved the taste of INSALTD so much that they started to drink more water all together. The result—just a bunch of hydrated salt-loving high-functioning individuals excited to share their recipe for resilience with the world. 

Big thanks to the team at WOW Branding for their role in bringing INSALTD to life; namely, web wizard, Ahmed, for coming up with the name and Will, creative director extraordinaire, for bestowing upon us his brand design magic.

The ultimate formula for resilience. Trigger your hydration. Get INSALTD.